
public class Book {
    private String title;

    private double price;

    public Book(String bookTitle, double bookPrice) {
        title = bookTitle;
        price = bookPrice;

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

    public String getBookInfo() {
        return title + "-" + price;
public class Textbook extends Book {
    public int edition;

    public Textbook(String bookTitle, double bookPrice, int editionnum) {
        super(String bookTitle, double bookPrice);
        edition = editionnum;

    public int getEdition() {
        return edition;

    public String getBookInfo() {
        super.getBookInfo() + "-" + edition;
        // return title + "-" + price + "-" + editionnum;

    public boolean canSubsituteFor(Textbook two) {
        if (two.getTitle().equals(getTitle()) && two.getEdition() <= getEditon()) {
            return true;
        else {
            return false;

|           super(String bookTitle, double bookPrice);
')' expected

|           super(String bookTitle, double bookPrice);
not a statement

|           super(String bookTitle, double bookPrice);
';' expected

|           super(String bookTitle, double bookPrice);
';' expected

|           super.getBookInfo() + "-" + edition;
not a statement
  • edition needs to be private
  • the super in the constructor should not redefine bookTItle as String, etc
  • forgot the return in getBookInfo()
  • if else not needed
  • misspelled getEdition()

Corrected code (essential parts)

public class Textbook extends Book {
    private int edition;

    public Textbook(String bookTitle, double bookPrice, int editionnum) {
        super(bookTitle, bookPrice);
        edition = editionnum;

    public int getEdition() {
        return edition;

    public String getBookInfo() {
        return super.getBookInfo() + "-" + edition;
        // return title + "-" + price + "-" + editionnum;

    public boolean canSubsituteFor(Textbook two) {
        if (two.getTitle().equals(getTitle()) && two.getEdition() <= this.getEdition()) {
            return true;
        else {
            return false;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Textbook test = new Textbook("Harry Potter", 5.0, 3);
        Textbook test2 = new Textbook("Harry Potter", 5.0, 4);


Harry Potter-5.0-3

Methods and Control Structures

public class FrogSimulation {
    private int goalDistance;
    private int maxHops;
    private int random;
    private int distance = 0;
    private int counter;
    private double prop;

    public FrogSimulation(int dist, int numHops) {
        goalDistance = dist;
        maxHops = numHops;

    private int hopDistance() {
        random = (int) ((Math.random()*2-1)*(Math.random()*goalDistance));
        return random;

    public boolean simulate() {
        for (int i=0; i<maxHops; i++) {
            distance += this.hopDistance();
            if (distance >= goalDistance) {
                return true;

            if (distance < 0) {
                return false;
        return false;

    public double runSimulations(int num) {
        for (int i=0; i<num; i++) {
            if (this.simulate()) {
        prop = (double) counter/num;
        return prop;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        FrogSimulation test = new FrogSimulation(50, 5);
        System.out.println("the prop is " + test.runSimulations(500));

the prop is 0.464

Arrays, ArrayLists

public class MemberInfo

private String n;
private int gy;
private boolean hgs;
public MemberInfo(String name, int gradYear, boolean hasGoodStanding) {
    n = name;
    gy = gradYear;
    hgs = hasGoodStanding;

public String getName() {
    return n;

public int getGradYear() {
    return gy;

public boolean inGoodStanding() {
    return hgs;

public class ClubMembers


private ArrayList<MemberInfo> memberList;
private ArrayList<MemberInfo> filler = new ArrayList<MemberInfo>();

public ClubMembers() {
    memberList = new ArrayList<MemberInfo>();
    filler = new ArrayList<MemberInfo>();

public void addMembers(String[] names, int gradYear) {
    for (int i=0; i<names.length; i++) {
        MemberInfo add = new MemberInfo(names[i], gradYear, true);

public ArrayList<MemberInfo> removeMembers(int year) {
    for (int i=0; i<memberList.size(); i++) {
        if (memberList.get(i).getGradYear() >= year) {
            if (memberList.get(i).inGoodStanding()) {
                MemberInfo print = new MemberInfo(names[i], gradYear, true);
    return filler;



  • going from 0 to memberList.size() will not work because we would be removing the indexes which would screw up the indexes for the rest. Better to start at the back
  • did names[i] and gradYear in removeMembers method when should be access MemberInfo object

Fixed code

public class ClubMembers


private ArrayList<MemberInfo> memberList;
private ArrayList<MemberInfo> filler;
public ClubMembers() {
    memberList = new ArrayList<MemberInfo>();
    filler = new ArrayList<MemberInfo>();

public void addMembers(String[] names, int gradYear) {
    for (int i=0; i<names.length; i++) {
        // For testing purposes
        MemberInfo add = new MemberInfo(names[i], gradYear, true);
        if (names[i].compareTo("Aidan") == 0) {
            add = new MemberInfo(names[i], gradYear, false);

public ArrayList<MemberInfo> removeMembers(int year) {
    for (int i=memberList.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
        if (memberList.get(i).getGradYear() <= year) {
            if (memberList.get(i).inGoodStanding()) {
                MemberInfo print = new MemberInfo(memberList.get(i).getName(), memberList.get(i).getGradYear(), true);
    return filler;

// extra get method
public ArrayList<MemberInfo> getMemberList() {
    return this.memberList;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ClubMembers test = new ClubMembers();
    String[] names24 = {"Aidan", "William", "Lily", "Serafina"};
    test.addMembers(names24, 2024);
    String[] names25 = {"and", "people", "who", "graduates", "in", "2025"};
    test.addMembers(names25, 2025);
    ArrayList<MemberInfo> enrolled = test.getMemberList();
    System.out.print("Currently enrolled: ");
    for (MemberInfo member: enrolled) {
        System.out.print(member.getName() + " ");
    ArrayList<MemberInfo> graduated = test.removeMembers(2024);
    System.out.print("Graduated with good standing (Aidan didn't): ");
    for (MemberInfo member: graduated) {
        System.out.print(member.getName() + " ");
    enrolled = test.getMemberList();
    System.out.print("Currently enrolled: ");
    for (MemberInfo member: enrolled) {
        System.out.print(member.getName() + " ");

Currently enrolled: Aidan William Lily Serafina and people who graduates in 2025 
Graduated with good standing (Aidan didn't): Serafina Lily William 
Currently enrolled: and people who graduates in 2025 

2D Array

public class ArrayResizer {
    /** Returns true if and only if every value in row r of array2D
    * is non-zero.
    * Precondition: r is a valid row index in array2D.
    * Postcondition: array2D is unchanged.
    public static boolean isNonZeroRow(int[][] array2D, int r) {
        for (int i = 0; i < array2D[r].length; i++) {
            if (array2D[r][i] == 0) {
                return false;
        return true;

    /** Returns the number of rows in array2D that contain all
    * non-zero values.
    * Postcondition: array2D is unchanged.
    public static int numNonZeroRows(int[][] array2D) {
        int total = 0;
        for (int r = 0; r < array2D.length; r++) {
            if (isNonZeroRow(array2D,r)) {
        return total;

    /** Returns a new, possibly smaller, two-dimensional array that
    * contains only rows from array2D with no zeros, as described
    * in part (b).
    * Precondition: array2D contains at least one column
    * and at least one row with no zeros.
    * Postcondition: array2D is unchanged.
    public static int[][] resize(int[][] array2D) {
        int numOfNonZeroRows = numNonZeroRows(array2D);
        int[][] resized = new int[numOfNonZeroRows][array2D[0].length];
        int count = 0;
        int len = 0;
        while (len < array2D.length) {
            if (isNonZeroRow(array2D,i)) {
                resized[count] = array2D[i];
|               if (isNonZeroRow(array2D,i)) {
cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable i

|                   resized[count] = array2D[i];
cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable i

|       public static int[][] resize(int[][] array2D) {
|           int numOfNonZeroRows = numNonZeroRows(array2D);
|           int[][] resized = new int[numOfNonZeroRows][array2D[0].length];
|           int count = 0;
|           int len = 0;
|           while (len < array2D.length) {
|               if (isNonZeroRow(array2D,i)) {
|                   resized[count] = array2D[i];
|                   count++;
|               }
|               len++;
|           }
|       }
missing return statement


  • forgot to change i to len when editing code
  • forgot to put return statement for resize
public class ArrayResizer {
    /** Returns true if and only if every value in row r of array2D
    * is non-zero.
    * Precondition: r is a valid row index in array2D.
    * Postcondition: array2D is unchanged.
    public static boolean isNonZeroRow(int[][] array2D, int r) {
        for (int i = 0; i < array2D[r].length; i++) {
            if (array2D[r][i] == 0) {
                return false;
        return true;

    /** Returns the number of rows in array2D that contain all
    * non-zero values.
    * Postcondition: array2D is unchanged.
    public static int numNonZeroRows(int[][] array2D) {
        int total = 0;
        for (int r = 0; r < array2D.length; r++) {
            if (isNonZeroRow(array2D,r)) {
        return total;

    /** Returns a new, possibly smaller, two-dimensional array that
    * contains only rows from array2D with no zeros, as described
    * in part (b).
    * Precondition: array2D contains at least one column
    * and at least one row with no zeros.
    * Postcondition: array2D is unchanged.
    public static int[][] resize(int[][] array2D) {
        int numOfNonZeroRows = numNonZeroRows(array2D);
        int[][] resized = new int[numOfNonZeroRows][array2D[0].length];
        int count = 0;
        int len = 0;
        while (len < array2D.length) {
            if (isNonZeroRow(array2D,len)) {
                resized[count] = array2D[len];
        return resized;

    // tester
    public static void main() {
        int[][] arr = {{2,1,0},
        System.out.println("Number of non zero rows = " + ArrayResizer.numNonZeroRows(arr));
        int[][] smaller = ArrayResizer.resize(arr);
Number of non zero rows = 2
[[1, 3, 2], [4, 5, 6]]