1 a

int pts;
if (levelOne.goalReached()) {
    if (this.isBonus()) {
        pts = pts + (levelOne.getPoints() * 3);
    else {
       pts += levelOne.getPoints(); 
if (levelTwo.goalReached() && levelOne.goalReached()) {
    if (this.isBonus()) {
        pts = pts + (levelTwo.getPoints() * 3);
    else {
       pts += levelTwo.getPoints(); 
if (levelThree.goalReached() && levelTwo.goalReached() && levelOne.goalReached()) {
    if (this.isBonus()) {
        pts = pts + (levelThree.getPoints() * 3);
    else {
       pts += levelThree.getPoints(); 

return pts;


  • misread the problem. read bonus levels instead of bonus game.

1 b

int highest = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int temp;
int pts;
if (num > 0) {
    for (i=0; i < num; i++) {
        temp = this.getScore();
        if (temp > highest) {
            highest = temp;
return highest;
  • play() not this.play()
  • if (num>0) not needed


public class Book {
    private String title;

    private double price;

    public Book(String bookTitle, double bookPrice) {
        title = bookTitle;
        price = bookPrice;

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

    public String getBookInfo() {
        return title + "-" + price;
public class Textbook extends Book {
    public int edition;

    public Textbook(String bookTitle, double bookPrice, int editionnum) {
        super(String bookTitle, double bookPrice);
        edition = editionnum;

    public int getEdition() {
        return edition;

    public String getBookInfo() {
        super.getBookInfo() + "-" + edition;
        // return title + "-" + price + "-" + editionnum;

    public boolean canSubsituteFor(Textbook two) {
        if (two.getTitle().equals(getTitle()) && two.getEdition() <= getEditon()) {
            return true;
        else {
            return false;

|           super.getBookInfo() + "-" + edition;
not a statement

|       public bool canSubsituteFor(Textbook two) {
cannot find symbol
  symbol:   class bool

|           if (two.getTitle().equals(getTitle()) && two.getEdition() <= getEditon()) {
cannot find symbol
  symbol:   method getEditon()

|       public String getBookInfo() {
|           super.getBookInfo() + "-" + edition;
|           // return title + "-" + price + "-" + editionnum;
|       }
missing return statement
  • edition needs to be private
  • the super in the constructor should not redefine bookTItle as String, etc
  • forgot the return in getBookInfo()
  • if else not needed
  • misspelled getEdition()

Corrected code (essential parts)

public class Textbook extends Book {
    private int edition;

    public Textbook(String bookTitle, double bookPrice, int editionnum) {
        super(bookTitle, bookPrice);
        edition = editionnum;

    public int getEdition() {
        return edition;

    public String getBookInfo() {
        return super.getBookInfo() + "-" + edition;
        // return title + "-" + price + "-" + editionnum;

    public boolean canSubsituteFor(Textbook two) {
        if (two.getTitle().equals(getTitle()) && two.getEdition() <= this.getEdition()) {
            return true;
        else {
            return false;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Textbook test = new Textbook("Harry Potter", 5.0, 3);


Harry Potter-5.0-3


public class Review {
    private int rating;
    private String comment;

    public Review(int r, String c) {
        rating = r;
        comment = c;

    public int getRating() {
        return rating;

    public String getComment() {
        return comment;
public class ReviewAnalysis {
    private Review[] allReviews;
    int sum;
    double average;
    String comment;
    String end;

    public ReviewAnalysis(Review[] reviews) {
        allReviews = reviews;

    public double getAverageRating() {
        //part a
        for (int i=0; i<allReviews.length; i++) {
            sum += allReviews[i].getRating();
        average = sum/allReviews.length;
        return average;

    public ArrayList<String> collectComments() {
        //part b
        ArrayList<String> array = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (int i=0; i<allReviews.length; i++) {
            comment = allReviews[i].getComment();
            if (comment.indexOf("!") != -1) {
                end = comment.substring(comment.length - 1);
                if (!end.equals(".") && !end.equals("!")) {
                    end += ".";
                array.add(i + "-" + comment);
        return array;
|                   end = comment.substring(comment.length - 1);
cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable length


  • .length() used to get length of string. .length used to get length of array


public class ReviewAnalysis {
    private Review[] allReviews;
    int sum;
    double average;
    String comment;
    String end;

    public ReviewAnalysis(Review[] reviews) {
        allReviews = reviews;

    public double getAverageRating() {
        //part a
        for (int i=0; i<allReviews.length; i++) {
            sum += allReviews[i].getRating();
        average = sum/allReviews.length;
        return average;

    public ArrayList<String> collectComments() {
        //part b
        ArrayList<String> array = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (int i=0; i<allReviews.length; i++) {
            comment = allReviews[i].getComment();
            if (comment.indexOf("!") != -1) {
                end = comment.substring(comment.length() - 1);
                if (!end.equals(".") && !end.equals("!")) {
                    end += ".";
                array.add(i + "-" + comment);
        return array;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Review[] reviews = {
            new Review(3, "This is a review."),
            new Review(4, "This is another review!"),
            new Review(5, "This is a! third review")

        ReviewAnalysis analysis = new ReviewAnalysis(reviews);

        System.out.println("Average rating: " + analysis.getAverageRating());

        ArrayList<String> comments = analysis.collectComments();
        System.out.println("Comments with exclamation marks:");
        for (String comment : comments) {


Average rating: 4.0
Comments with exclamation marks:
1-This is another review!
2-This is a! third review

indexOf review

  • finds and returns the index of the character(s) it's looking for
  • return -1 if it can't find it
  • thus checkign to see if it's greater or equal to 0 basically checks if it exists
  • only used for strings

substring review

  • remember strings start at index 0
  • only goes from starting pt to end-1
    • for ex: substring(2,4) only gives index 2 and 3
  • substring(2) would give everythign from index 2 and beyond

4 a

for (int i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < grid[j].length; j++) {
        int random = (int) (Math.random() * (MAX-1)) + 1;
        while (random%10 != 0 && random%100 == 0) {
            random = (int) (Math.random() * (MAX-1)) + 1;
        grid[i][j] = random;
  • oops use MAX not MAX -1 cause I'm adding 1 to the end

4 b

int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < grid[0].length; i++) {
    boolean tof = true;
    for (int j = 1; j < grid.length; j++) {
        if (grid[i][j] < grid[i-1][j]) {
            tof = false;
    if (tof)  {
    return count;



1 a

int freq;
int length = guess.length();
int j;
for (int i=0; i<secret.length; i=i+length) {
    j = i+length+1;
    if (secret.substring(i, j) == guess) {
return freq * length * length;
  • I once again forgot to use .equals :')
  • forgot parenthesis for .legnth in for loop
  • <= in for loop
int a = game.scoreGuess(guess1);
int b = game.scoreGuess(guess2);
int num1;
int num2;
if (a>b) {
    return a;
if (b>a) {
    return b;
else {
    num1 = 
    //idk what to do lmao unless I create a huge array which I aint doing
  • didn't know you could use compareTo like that

compareTo review

  • It compares strings in dictionary (lexicographical) order:
  • If string1.compareTo(string2) < 0, then string1 precedes string2 in the dictionary.
  • If string1.compareTo(string2) > 0, then string1 follows string2 in the dictionary.
  • If string1.compareTo(string2) == 0, then string1 and string2 are identical. (This test is an alternative to string1.equals(string2).)