Misunderstood the problem. didn't realize it would lead to a chain reaction


The algorithm uses a for-each loop to traverse the rows, the row index is not being stored.


System.out.println would not affect the str's length


I forgot that you concatanate with + and +=


didn't see that the remove didn't occurr before the size was calculated


C is wrong because r is used as the row index in printing numbers[r][c]


Got this wronng because I was confused about what the code what doing. I now understand that it runs line 12 every time a new smallest value is found


I can't do math apparently. 2+2+3+8+5+6=26


When j has the value 0, k takes on values from 0 through 2, inclusive and 1 2 3 is printed. When j has the value 1, k takes on the values 1 and 2 and 5 6 is printed. When j has the value 2, k takes on the value 2 and 9 is printed. When j has the value 3, the inner for loop body is not executed because the initial value of k (3) is not less than the number of elements in the first row of the array (3).