
  • Spring Data JPA: abstracts all complexity needed to interact with databases. Works well with spring boot applications
  • JPA (Java Persistance API): accessing, persisting, and managing data between java objects
  • Hibernate: a popular implementation of JPA. Basically takes any java object and extracts it with ORM (object relational mapping). Makes it so that we have a java class which we can map to a database


  • spring.datasource.url: connection to database (specify name)
  • spring.datasource.username: username, don't needa specify since local rn
  • spring.datasource.password: password, don't needa specify since local rn
  • spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop: create the schema and before the application shuts down, drop everything. We need this since we are testing various stuff with spring data JPA
  • spring.jpa.show-sql=true: so we can see the sql statements that hibernate generates
  • spring.jpa.propertoes.hibernate.dialect=org.hibermate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect: Specifying the dialect to be Postgresql
  • spring.jpa.propertoes.hibernate.format_sql=true: sql is formatted