Kathyleen Beveridge

  • Born in Vietnam

  • 1980

  • Bay area

  • Undergrad at Santa Clara

  • Study in spain

  • Finance degree

  • Not traditional edu

  • Hp

  • Career

    • First job investment banker

      • Did not like it

    • Switched to tech

      • Loved

      • Hp

      • Qualcomm

  • Company mission statement

    • HP: create technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere

    • Qualcomm: Inventing the tech the world loves

    • All doing something the world will want

  • Qualcomm impacts a billion people a day

  • Senior director of marketing

  • Loved working with people

  • Switched to high tech

Kris Porter

  • Software engineer

  • SRE

  • Dev Ops

  • UCLA

  • Started back in comp sci after 8 years

    • Learned linux

  • Graduated in grad school

  • No company was hiring cause stock awful

  • Fixing mac comp

  • Job at startup. Email marketing. Deploy software

  • Worked at Twitter

  • Taught himself python

  • Projects

    • Streaming

    • Analytics

    • Banking systems

  • Now planning to work at mystenlabs

  • Predict what repo will be downloaded

  • Skills that are important

    • Continuous learning

    • Don’t be concerned about things you learn in the news

  • Senior directors listen to requirements and think about how technology can solve these requirements

  • Coding a wa/y of thinking: dissecting a problem, critcial think, problem solving

  • AWS and google cloud